Control valve
- A Control valve is a special type valve which is used to control fluid flow by changing the size of flow passage as controlled by a signal from a controller.
- Control valve is a power operated device that is used to regulate or manipulate the flow of fluid such as gas, oil, water, steam.
Figure: Typical Control Valve |
- A valve with pneumatic, Hydraulic, Electric or other externally powered actuator that automatically opens or closes the valve fully or partially by the signals received from a controlling instrument is called control valve.
What are the parts of a control valve?
Any control valve can be divided into two sections
- Actuator
- Valve
Here we will learn the parts related to the actuator only. The valve part is completely mechanical item which will be discussed on another post.
Figure: Cross-section of Control Valve |
- Actuator
- Positioner
- Solenoid Valve
- Limit Switch
- Volume Booster
- Hand wheel
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- The actuator is the device connected to the valve through the valve-stem that provides the force required to change the size of flow passage of that valve.
- Suppose a valve is now 30% open, you want to open it more like 50%, If you give the command to do this, The actuator will provide the driving force to the valve for opening it from 30% to 50%.
- In case of manual valve, there is not any actuator like this, wheel or handle is there to do the work of actuator.
There are many types of actuator available:
- Electronic actuator
- Motorized actuator
- Hydraulic actuator
- Pneumatic actuator
Hydraulic actuator:
- Hydraulic actuators are used on that places where large amount of force is required to operate the valve.
For example, the main steam injection valve of any steam turbine.
- Although hydraulic actuators come in many designs, piston type is the most common.
- A typical piston type hydraulic actuator is shown in below figure.
Figure: Piston type Hydraulic actuator |
- It consists of a cylinder, spring, piston, valve-stem and a hydraulic fluid chamber.
- Whenever the hydraulic fluid is allowed to go inside this chamber it forces the piston to move upward against the spring force on the top of piston.
- If the fluid force is greater than spring force, the piston begins to move upward, spring compress as a result the valve begins to open.
- Oppositely if we allow the fluid to go outside the spring will press the piston to go downward as a result the valve will be close.
- We can operate the valve at fully open, fully close or partially open/close.
- By regulating the amount of fluid inside the chamber, the valve can be operated at partially open/close condition.
Motorized actuator
- Normally if you want to operate any manual valve you have to rotate the hand-wheel of that valve, right?
- Now you are will not rotate the wheel or handle, you will use an electric motor to rotate that wheel/handle, then it will be motorized actuator.
"The actuator in which motor is used for operating the valve is called motorized actuator"
More read: What happens when a motorized valve fails?
Figure: Motorized Control Valve |
This types of valve used in such an application where the control of fluid temperature is desired.